
What App Do Employers Use To Keep Employees On Task

Employees are one of the greatest assets of any company. It is important to make sure they are as effective as possible, but not all employees know how to do this independently.

Many struggle to find the right way to make their employees more effective. However, various conditions can hinder an employee's effectiveness at work, including office distractions and personal emergencies. One way to help with these issues is by using an hour tracker app.

Hour trackers are great because they allow you to monitor how your employees spend time throughout the day and see if specific tasks or projects should be reassigned, delegated, or even terminated as a result.

This blog post will discuss how hour trackers work, why you should give them a try, and some tips on using them for maximum effectiveness.

What Is an Hour Tracker and How Does It Work?

Hour trackers are automated tools that allow you to track your employees' time on specific tasks throughout the day. This information can be used in several ways, such as determining whether projects should be reassigned or terminated and deciding which tasks need more attention than others.

Hour tracker apps work by syncing with common business tools like Gmail and Google Drive. Once the tracking app is installed, it will track all of your employees' actions when they open their office tools.

The tracker is a great way to see that your team's time is being used wisely and for projects that are most important. In addition, it can help improve employee effectiveness by making them more aware of how long tasks actually take and how much time they spend.

Why Use an Hour Tracker?

There are many reasons why you should give an hour tracker a try, for instance:

It Makes Employees More Accountable for Their Work

Tracking the time spent on each task can help employees feel more accountable for the work they do. This independence is especially beneficial when an employee's manager isn't in the office, or it is difficult to communicate what tasks need more attention.

It Can Help You Determine Which Tasks Are Taking Too Long

Hour trackers can also help you decide which tasks are taking too long to complete or if your employees are spending time on the wrong projects. This information will allow managers to make changes accordingly, thus streamlining workflows and improving overall company productivity.

You Have More Insight Into How Your Employees Spend Their Time Throughout the Day

Tracking the time spent on tasks and projects gives you a better idea of how your employees spend their day. This way, if they are taking too much or not enough time at their desks, it is easier to figure out why that is happening. It can also help you determine if your employees have too many distractions at their desks or are being interrupted by colleagues.

You Can Set Hourly Goals and Track How Well Your Team Is Meeting Them

Hour trackers can help you set hourly goals for your employees. This makes it easier to determine how well they meet them and if their workload is too high or low. It also works as a great way to incentivize employees who go beyond their work projects during the day, thus encouraging others to do the same.

It Allows You to Offer Better Incentives

Hour trackers can help you offer better incentives to your employees. For example, if an employee is meeting their goals and surpassing them, it could be a reason for rewarding them with more vacation time or even offering bonuses as a reward for their hard work.

How to Use One Effectively

In order to use an hour tracker app effectively, managers should:

Create Rules About What Can and Cannot Be Tracked During Work Hours

Managers should make sure employees know what they can and cannot track during work hours.

This will help ensure the tracker isn't being used to monitor employee activity outside of their regular duties or for certain activities like checking personal emails or instant messages from family members.

Instead, it can help employees understand that it is used to track their time spent on company activities.

Make Sure Employees Understand How Much Time Is Needed to Complete a Task

Managers should make sure that employees understand how much time they need to complete their assigned tasks. Doing so will allow them to track the average amount of time it takes for each job and determine if more or less time needs to be spent meeting company goals.

Determine What Employees Need to Do If They Are Unable to Meet Their Goals for That Day or Week

Managers should also develop a plan in case employees are unable to meet their weekly or daily goals. This could include finding ways to work on what they missed, making adjustments the following week, and much more.

Track Not Only How Long Tasks Take but Also the Number of Tasks Employees Complete Each Day

Tracking the number of tasks employees complete each day will give you a better idea of how much work they are doing and whether or not more employees need to be hired. It can also help managers determine if their employees have too many tasks assigned, thus increasing the amount of stress and pressure on them throughout the day.

Common Mistakes With the Usage of the Hourly Time Tracking App

There are a few common mistakes people make when trying to use an hour tracker.

Checking in Too Frequently

The most common mistake managers make is checking in too frequently with their employees or making it seem like they are always watching what their team members are doing. Doing so can cause employees to feel uneasy and uncomfortable about how they work, which isn't healthy for either party.

Trying to Track Hours Too Closely

Another mistake managers make is trying to keep a close eye on employees' hour tracker usage, which can cause them to feel stressed or anxious. At first, it might seem like the best way to use an hour tracker, but it's important not to overdo it. Let your team members work on their own and do things at their own pace.

Having Employees Submit Timesheets Weekly or Monthly

Submitting daily timesheets can be tedious if you are trying to keep an accurate account of employee hours. Instead of having them submit the hours they spend each day, it is better to set up a system where employees check in with managers every so often, such as once per week or month.

This way, workers can focus on their projects without worrying about having to track time too closely.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Which Time Tracker Is the Best for You

You should consider a few different factors when deciding which hour tracker is best for your business.

Scheduling and Availability of Employees

The first thing to keep in mind is the scheduling and availability that your team members have. If they work from home or on their own, it might be easier to use time trackers where all they have to do is fill out the time at the end of each day.

But if your employees are in an office, it's probably best to check in with them during their scheduled work hours instead.

Customer Service and Sales Aspects

Some businesses rely on customer or sales support more than others, so you might want to look for hour trackers that offer support chat and phone calls so that employees can quickly get in touch with someone if they need help.

Compatibility With Other Apps and Project Management Systems

You might also want to consider the compatibility options of the hour tracker you use, such as whether or not it works well with your current project management software or customer relationship platform. You should also check to see if it is compatible with different devices and operating systems.

The Best Hour Tracker in the Market

Many different hour trackers are available online, making it difficult to choose the best one for your needs. However, there is a one-time tracking tool that can meet your needs. is a free time tracking and scheduling software that you can use to track employees' time spent on different projects and tasks. It's easy to set up and lets your team members check in with managers, so they don't have to worry about tracking hours too closely or checking in at inconvenient times of the day.

It can be integrated into different project management systems and works well with common customer relationship platforms like BambooHR and Xero.

It can even be used on mobile devices, making it easy to track time wherever you are without using complicated software or apps. Moreover, it has facial recognition technology to save the employees some time wasted logging into their accounts.


An hour tracker can be a great way to encourage employee effectiveness and productivity, as long as it is used correctly. You should use the information obtained from the time tracker in making informed decisions about your employees' workflow so that all of your employees can be more effective at work.

What App Do Employers Use To Keep Employees On Task


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